Wednesday 7 September 2011

The Ancient Art of Face-Reading

The Daily Mail reported today that it is said that you can tell a person's personality by looking at their facial features.

Here's what the Mail said about Kate (The Duchess of Cambridge).

She has a wide jaw, a short wide forehead, a small nose, long flat eyebrows and large eyes, and so that makes her an "earth face".

These are the traits of an earth face:

"Stability and security are your watchwords. You’re methodical, practical and down to earth. Withdrawn and shy, you take a while to open up, but once you’ve let someone into your life you are utterly loyal and steadfast.

Earth energy is associated with jealousy — you feel things very deeply and take  a long time to forgive betrayal. Totally reliable, you’re perceptive and thoughtful and won’t don’t do anything in a hurry.

You aren’t interested in quick fixes, so although others may think you slow and plodding, you do things your own way and in your own time. You have a strongly-developed sense of justice and a clear sense of right and wrong.

The Duchess of Cambridge has a typical earth face with her well-developed jaw, long eyebrows and deep-set eyes. She has very high standards, is hard-working and utterly loyal.

She will offer comfort and steadfast reassurance to her husband. William has a lot of wood energy in his face. He’ll be reckless and enthusiastic for new projects, but not that keen on seeing them through.

Catherine will have a calming influence on him. Earth people value family above all else and dedicate themselves to ensuring that their loved ones are safe and secure."

To see what your facial features reveal, click here for the full article:

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