Monday 24 June 2013

I-Lipo: Getting a Body Like Kate and Pippa

A few weeks ago I wrote how I would like to get a body similar to Kate's and Pippa's, by eating right and exercising (doing Pilates etc.). Both girls are known for being very active and very athletic and they both look great as a result. 

Well, I am on my journey to losing the weight that I've gained over the last few years, as a result of being less active than I was. And so far things are going well, I've lost some weight and I'm feeling better.

However, I, like many other people, like to see results fast. And coincidentally I stumbled across a "Groupon" for a procedure called "i-lipo". Basically it's a spa treatment that lasts 30 minutes and melts fat in targeted areas of the body. This, combined with exercise right after the treatment, is supposed to melt inches off a person's body! Naturally I was intrigued, and I wanted to try it - I love trying new things, especially products that are meant to improve a person :) 

My first appointment is tomorrow, and I'm really excited! I hope to "sculpt" my body to being something closer to Kate and Pippa's! I want to whittle down my hips and love handles to achieve a look closer to theirs. I hope that this will make my clothes fit better and make me feel better as a result.

I believe that part of what makes Kate and Pippa look so good is that they look so "tidy" in their clothing - nothing is bulging or bumping. Everything they wear fits so well, and I hope that I can achieve that through this process. I'll provide an update tomorrow!

Here is a before and after picture I found online. Keep in mind that I don't know how many sessions this person had. I think normally they recommend 8 for the best results. I will have at least 6, but no more most likely (as that is the price I will pay with the Groupon). 

Here are some pictures of Kate and Pippa that are my motivators:

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