Thursday 6 June 2013

Kate and Pippa: Get the Physique

Both Kate and Pippa have been admired for their great shapes and noted for their good workout and eating habits.

Now, it's important to note that they both naturally have "athletic" frames, meaning that they don't really possess hips, so that will mean that even working out and eating healthy will not necessarily mean that your frame will eventually look exactly or even close to a Middleton's. They also probably possess naturally good genes - just look at Carol Middleton.

However, I am going to embark on the journey of getting a body that as closely resembles Kate and Pippa's as possible. This is for health benefits and also so that I feel like I'm looking my best. Unfortunately, I was recently diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and this set me back a bit. In April I did lose 5 pounds and had about 10 more to go before I reached my first goal of 140 pounds (my old and typical weight a few years ago). So, I will basically be starting from 155 again and may come across other obstacles, but that's fine.

My plan is to do Pilates every day, or say that is my goal so that if I don't manage it every day then it will be at least every other day (I hope). I have an aunt who is a health and fitness fanatic, and she said that Pilates doesn't burn a ton of calories in a session, however, it completely makes over your figure in very little time. So that is why I'm going to do Pilates - for the sculpting and toning effects. I will try to find a way to incorporate some weight training in there. I may even switch out Pilates for Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD, which is 20 minutes of circuit training (which includes weights).

Next, I will try to stick to eating 1,200 calories a day. This may sound ridiculous, but it's actually quite doable, and I've had great success by eating that many calories in a day before. In fact, if you really do eat well, eating 1,200 a calories a day is not a problem. You can actually eat quite a lot if you just make the right choices! By limiting my calorie intake to 1,200 calories I should lose more than 1 pound per week. But again, depending on how my metabolism is working (I've just started medication), this may vary.

Here are some of my inspiration pictures (don't laugh):

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