The Daily Mail's Amanda Platell wrote an article that basically questions the Middleton's and their increased presence in the public eye, and especially in the public eye when at royal events, or events that clearly show that they are affiliated with royalty.

First of all, who cares???! Secondly, THEIR DAUGHTER, OR THEIR SIBLING, IS A ROYAL DUCHESS!!!! Of course they will now "ride the coattails" as Platell puts it. Or, to put it differently (or to put it more positively), they are being kept a part of William and Kate's life. And now that includes maybe being able to take part in things that they once might not have before. I would also like to think, like any good family, they are all continuing to care for one another, and Will and Kate specifically are making an effort to include Kate's family - which as people have reported before could otherwise have been very much cut out (like Diana's family were - although the cases are quite different - but still). As Platell even writes herself, "William loved to spend time at the Middletons’ home in Bucklebury, and vowed that the whole family would always be at the heart of his and Kate’s lives." And how could they be more at the heart of their lives than to do what Will and Kate do, as much as possible? This way they will take part in similar activities, giving them all arguably much-needed common ground so that they can continue to have as much of a "normal" relationship as possible. If they all did different things all of a sudden, upon Kate entering this new role and stage of her relationship, how would they all remain relevant to each other? We all need some common experiences in order to continue to foster good relationships, otherwise, what can we talk about?

For Mike and Carol, and even Pippa and James, to participate in things that Will and Kate might and do, and to mingle with Kate's new family, they will then still remain a part of Kate's life - by knowing the life that she is living now, even if it is on a much smaller scale.

I may be terribly naive, but I really don't think that the Middletons are doing any of this to just climb higher on the social ladder. I think that they are just trying to stay in Kate's life, and this is part of how they will do that. And anyways, if you can be that close to a part of an amazing heritage and history, that's pretty incredible - and their daughter is going to be Queen! Despite that though, I still don't doubt the intentions of the Middleton's. I think that they are ultimately down-to-earth and very smart people. I'm sure that they are also trying very hard not to put a foot wrong (and I don't think they really have!), and really the only important person to impress, or not to wrong, is the Queen, so who cares what we all think - the Queen seems to like them a lot!
Carol Middleton is a social climber & snob.She may be rich, but in the public eye, she is just nothing. As for Mr Middleton he comes out as a very diferent person. But my opinion is that he has to stay in the back ground not to take the shine off his pushy wife.