Friday 26 April 2013

Spray Tan

Since the Royal Wedding I have read numerous articles suggesting that both Kate and Pippa have hired spray tanners to come to their home in Chelsea to apply a spray tan for them.

I have to admit that the girls always do look quite tan. Especially in their white dresses on the wedding day.

Since then though we know they have been on a series of holidays away, so naturally they would tan. However, I have just read this week that Kate continued to get spray tans at her home at Kensington Palace, but stopped in the early stage of her pregnancy as apparently it's not good to spray tan in the early days of pregnancy. And I think is quite apparent that she stopped as soon as she knew when you look back at photos of her then!

Here are a few examples, of then and now (I think Kate's obviously started back up again, as today she looked quite tanned at the Warner Brother Studios, and I don't think it was just because she was wearing white either!):

Kate after being discharged from hospital in 2012 (above)

Kate just before a few weeks before being admitted to hospital

I have to say that I am intrigued by spray tans, and I think I might experiment and get one once the weather starts getting a bit warmer! They apparently don't last very long, but if you look after them by exfoliating regularly before and after you're sprayed, and you moisturize as well, then it can extend the life of your tan. Also, the more you get spray tanned the longer it will last, as your body holds onto the colour longer as it gets used to it.

A spray tan is a great way to get some colour and safely for the summer months (or year round like the Middleton sisters). I find that my legs get nicely tanned on their fronts, but the backs are quite pale. So a spray tan would give me a nice even look.

Here are some pictures of Kate and Pippa with what I think looks like an obvious spray tan:

Kate back earlier this year (2013) looking quite tanned!

Pippa out last night

Harder to see Kate here, but the tan is quite evident

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